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 Assessment and Reporting

The assessment process in place at TC includes continuous and summative reporting to our community. Students are assessed on their work and study habits, academic achievement, and academic progress.

The elements of our reporting in include:

All components will be created, completed and published through Compass Reporting.


Students receive feedback on their work and study habits from each of their teachers three times per semester – roughly every five weeks.

Students are assessed against the following criteria:

  1. Readiness to learn: Do you come to class with the required materials, pre-learning completed and an open mind?

  2. Behaviour: Does your behaviour help to build a focused and inclusive environment?

  3. Participation and contribution: Do you actively engage with and contribute to classroom learning?

  4. Academic effort: Do you complete all required tasks and actively seek to extend your skills?

For each criteria, students receive a scale statement, either ‘Exemplary, Consistent, Needs Improvement or Not Yet Demonstrated’.

A student who receives a ‘Consistent’ rating consistently meets the high expectations we hold for our young people at TC.

Students receiving ‘Exemplary’ are those who go above and beyond these expectations; students who receive a ‘Needs Improvement’ are not yet meeting the expectations.

Our recalibrated WASHI reflects our TC Consistencies and high expectations of our students. Students might find that their WASHI GPA is initially impacted by the changes in 2020.

Attendance data and learning data are reported on through other means on Compass, and not incorporated into WASHI.

Expectations for each criteria in WASHI have been outlined in the WASHI Matrix. Staff should refer to these when compiling their WASHI feedback, and students should refer to this when reflecting on their WASHI scores.

Continuous Feedback on Learing Tasks

We employ a continuous approach to assessment and reporting, providing timely written feedback on summative assessment. Summative feedback is provided to students and families on a continuous basis through Compass. Continuous Reporting feedback is compiled at the end of each Semester for End of Semester reports. This is outlined in further detail in the tables below:

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End of Semester Reports

At the end of each Semester students will receive a Summative Report. This report collates previous forms of feedback, in addition to providing the measurable progress of student achievement comparable to the Victorian Curriculum Levels.

Summative Reports will be published each Semester through Compass.

The below table indicates what is to be included in a Continuous Reporting Learning Task.

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